Meet Corian!
As an extension of our BrickX ‘Meet the team’ series, we’re throwing it over to you guys – our members – so that we can get to know you and your investment story better and share it with the BrickX Community.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Corian Francais. Father of two young teens. Live on Central Coast NSW. Work in Education and the QHSE Auditing realms as a General Manager and consultant which takes me all over NSW and interstate from time to time. Home-owner and mortgage free!
Q: How did you hear about BrickX and what made you want to get involved?
Have been with Raiz (formerly Acorns) for a while now using their ‘round-up’ strategy for investing small amounts regularly. Brickx was a referral by Raiz and it intrigued me as the investment model is similar.
Q: How many Bricks do you currently own and in how many properties?
Been buying Brickx since early 2018 and now own 1268 Brickx across all 19 properties with about 10% of those being under the ‘Smart Invest’ portfolio.
Q: Do you have other stock shares? How does BrickX compare to these?
I don’t hold other shares in individual companies. I hold managed funds which have largely outperformed their respective markets.
Q: Before BrickX, what was your approach to/thoughts on homeownership?
I hate debt. Our mission was to terminate debt as quickly as possible. We have been good savers and were able to put down 20% for our deposit on a modest property well below the borrowing amount the lender was prepared to give us. We paid the house off in under 8 years.
Q: What do you see as the personal benefits of investing in BrickX?
I have a measure of disposable income and as property investment has not really been a forte of mine, I like the idea of having an array of investment grade properties for me to buy small chunks in quality property gradually over time irrespective of market movement. By mapping my portfolio to align with the BrickX Property Index, it has been shielded largely from the downturn and price compression seen in recent years.